Cobra Login Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to enter your user credentials. Cobra uses these credentials to verify that you are an authorized user.


Field Description
User ID Use this field to enter the ID that your system administrator set up for your use. Cobra remembers the user ID from your last login and automatically enters that user ID in this field. If this user ID is not the one you wish to use, delete it, and enter the proper one.
Password Use this field to enter the password associated with your user ID and click Login.

If Cobra displays a message that your login information is invalid, re-enter your user ID and password, and click Login again. If Cobra still does not start, check with your system administrator. There are several possible causes for this situation, including:

  • There may be an interruption of network services.
  • You may not be properly registered as a valid user.
  • You may have entered an incorrect password.
Data Source Use this field to select the database connection to use when you log onto Cobra. By default, this field displays the data source defined in the DATASOURCES.DAT file. The field displays all data sources defined in the Cobra Data Tool.

The Data Source field is only available in standalone and client/server deployments.

Login and Authentication

Cobra uses the following authentication modes:
  • Basic: This mode uses the user ID and password in the Cobra database.
  • Windows: This mode uses the Windows login credentials.

The Cobra Login dialog box does not display if the selected data source uses Windows authentication and login is successful.

If login is not successful and Max Login Retries in EPM Security Administrator is set to 0, Cobra displays an "Invalid Windows User" message and exits.

If login is not successful and Max Login Retries in EPM Security Administrator is greater than 0, the Cobra Login dialog box displays instead of an error message and switches to basic authentication.

Possible causes of unsuccessful login:
  • The Windows login ID is not added to list of users in EPM SA.
  • The domain name may be invalid if the Authentication Type is Windows Domain\User Name <Domain\User>.
Attention: For more information on authentication modes, authentication types, and Max Login Retries, refer to the "Authentication Options Dialog Box" topic in the EPM SA Help System.